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St Pauli tickets - Experience St Pauli at Millerntor-Stadion!

5 companies sell tickets
2 companies sell packages

Hamburg, Germany




Where to buy St. Pauli tickets

Looking for St. Pauli tickets? You're in the right place. We compare offers from various ticket sellers and travel agencies, making it easy to find the best deal. Whether you want just match tickets or a complete package with hotel and flights, you'll find options here. Remember, buying directly from the club requires membership and doesn't guarantee a ticket. Purchasing through our listed partners is often simpler and ensures you'll have a seat at the match.

Compare St. Pauli tickets

Comparing St. Pauli tickets isn't just about finding the lowest price. It's also about what's included in the package and the type of tickets on offer. Some deals might include extras like stadium tours or museum entry. Others might offer better seating options. Take your time to look through the different offers. Check what's included and compare the overall value. This way, you'll find the best deal for your needs and budget.

Football trips with St. Pauli

Fancy a football trip to see St. Pauli play? Many travel agencies offer package deals that include match tickets, accommodation, and sometimes even flights. These can be a great way to experience a match without the hassle of organizing everything yourself. Some packages might include extra perks like guided tours or meals. Check the details of each offer to see what's included. It's a fantastic way to combine your love of football with a city break in Hamburg.

St. Pauli's 2024/2025 season

St. Pauli is gearing up for an exciting 2024/2025 season in the Bundesliga. Under the guidance of coach Alexander Blessin, the team is looking strong. Keep an eye on players like Eric Smith, Elias Saad, and Oladapo Afolayan as the season unfolds. The club's passionate fans and unique atmosphere make every match an experience to remember. Whether you're a die-hard supporter or just love good football, catching a St. Pauli game this season is sure to be a thrill.

Millerntor-Stadion, Hamburg

Millerntor-Stadion, located in the heart of Hamburg, is St. Pauli's home ground. With a capacity of around 29,546, it's known for its electric atmosphere and close proximity to the pitch. The stadium's location in the vibrant St. Pauli district adds to the overall experience. It's easily accessible by public transport, making it convenient for visitors. The stadium has undergone several renovations over the years, improving facilities while maintaining its unique character and charm.


Types of tickets and prices

St. Pauli offers various ticket types to suit different preferences and budgets. These typically include standing areas, which are popular among die-hard fans, and seated options in different parts of the stadium. Some tickets might include access to VIP areas or lounges. Prices vary depending on the match and the type of ticket. Remember, demand can be high for popular matches, so it's a good idea to book in advance. Check the details of each offer to understand what's included and find the best option for you.

Authorized Sellers

While we list tickets from various sources, buying from an authorized seller is recommended. Authorized sellers have a direct relationship with the club, which can offer some advantages. They're more likely to have accurate information about the tickets and the event. However, this doesn't mean other sellers aren't reliable. Many unofficial sellers also offer genuine tickets. The key is to check the seller's reputation and reviews before making a purchase. Remember, all tickets listed on this site are genuine, regardless of the seller's status.

St. Pauli's history

St. Pauli, founded in 1910, has a rich and unique history. The club is known for its left-wing politics and social activism, which sets it apart in the football world. Their skull and crossbones logo and punk rock image have gained them a cult following worldwide. Despite not being one of Germany's most successful clubs in terms of trophies, St. Pauli's impact on football culture is significant. Their commitment to social causes and inclusive fan culture has made them a beloved club far beyond Hamburg.

Other things to do in Hamburg

Hamburg, Germany's second-largest city, offers plenty to do besides watching football. The historic Speicherstadt warehouse district is a UNESCO World Heritage site worth exploring. Music lovers should check out the Elbphilharmonie, a stunning concert hall. The bustling fish market on Sunday mornings is a local institution. For a different perspective, take a harbor tour or stroll along the Elbe River. And don't miss the vibrant nightlife in the Reeperbahn area, right next to St. Pauli's stadium. There's something for everyone in this dynamic port city.
